home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 poke53281,0
- 110 print"[147]"chr$(142)"":gosub2280
- 120 rem *** load font
- 130 poke52,128:poke56,128:clr
- 140 poke147,0:sys57812"swapper.o",8,1:sys62631
- 145 sys57812"fnt1",8,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,128:sys65493
- 150 sys57812"fnt2",8,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,144:sys65493
- 160 ifpeek(783)and1thenprint"load error":end
- 170 rem *** init screen
- 175 poke53281,15:poke53280,15
- 180 poke56578,peek(56578)or3:poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or1:poke648,136
- 185 dimcc%(12):fori=0to11:readcc%(i):next
- 187 data3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
- 190 poke53272,32:i=rnd(0)
- 200 t1$="[144][147] 89<=[192][193][196][197][200][201]<=[204][205][208][209][212][213][216][217][220][221][160][161][146] by[\_[144]"
- 210 t1$=t1$+" :;>?[194][195][198][199][202][203]>?[206][207][210][211][214][215][218][219][255][223][162][163][146] dave]^[144] "
- 220 t1$=t1$+" johannsen":printt1$;
- 230 rem *** introduction
- 240 print" do you want instructions?"
- 250 geta$:ifa$=""then250
- 260 ifa$="y"thengosub1500
- 270 print" what size <2 to 9> [157][157]"
- 280 geta$:ifa$=""then280
- 290 s=asc(a$)-asc("0"):ifs<2ors>9then270
- 300 print" initializing... "
- 310 dims%(11,10),d%(11,10),t%(55),x%(55),y%(55),h%(55),n%(55):y=0
- 320 rem *** compute initial directions
- 330 y=y+1:x=0:ify>s+1then470
- 340 x=x+1:ifx>s+2then330
- 350 ifd%(x,y)>0then340
- 360 ifx=s+2then410
- 370 ify=s+1then420
- 380 ifd%(x,y+1)>0then420
- 390 ifd%(x+1,y)>0then410
- 400 ifrnd(1)>.5then420
- 410 d%(x,y)=2:d%(x,y+1)=1:goto340
- 420 j=d%(x+1,y):d%(x,y)=3:d%(x+1,y)=4:onj+1goto340,430,440,450,340
- 430 x=x+1:y=y-1:d%(x,y)=0:goto350
- 440 d%(x+1,y+1)=0:goto340
- 450 d%(x+2,y)=0:goto340
- 460 rem *** get random domino order
- 470 j=1:forx=0tos:fory=0tox:ifrnd(1)>.5then490
- 480 x%(j)=x:y%(j)=y:goto500
- 490 x%(j)=y:y%(j)=x
- 500 j=j+1:nexty,x:n=j-1:n1=0:n2=0
- 510 fori=1ton:j=int(rnd(1)*n+1):x=x%(i):x%(i)=x%(j):x%(j)=x:x=y%(i):y%(i)=y%(j)
- 520 y%(j)=x:next:i=1
- 530 rem *** put dominos in grid
- 540 forx=1tos+2:fory=1tos+1:ond%(x,y)goto580,560,570,580
- 550 print"program error!":goto580
- 560 s%(x,y)=x%(i):s%(x,y+1)=y%(i):i=i+1:goto580
- 570 s%(x,y)=x%(i):s%(x+1,y)=y%(i):i=i+1
- 580 d%(x,y)=0:nexty,x:print" "
- 590 rem *** print grid
- 600 poke34953-s,35:poke34958+s,36:poke35073+79*s,37:poke35078+81*s,38
- 610 fori=1to2*s+4:poke34953-s+i,33:poke35073+79*s+i,33:next
- 620 fori=1to2*s+2:poke34953-s+40*i,34:poke34958+s+40*i,34:next
- 630 fory=1tos+1:forx=1tos+2:i=34912-s+2*x+80*y:j=64+12*s%(x,y)
- 640 pokei,j:pokei+1,j+1:pokei+40,j+2:pokei+41,j+3:nextx,y
- 650 rem *** add dominos to the side
- 660 fory=0tos:forx=0toy:j=y*(y+1)/2+x:i=int(j/20):j=j-20*i:j=35010+40*j+2*i
- 670 pokej,236+x:pokej+1,246+y:nextx,y:x=1:y=1
- 680 poke35832,5:poke53271,0:poke53276,0:poke53277,0:poke53287,1:poke53269,1
- 690 rem *** add help
- 700 print"":fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next
- 710 print"[144]c:color"
- 720 print"[144]h:help"
- 730 print"[144]u:undo"
- 740 print"[144]x:clear"
- 743 print"[144]e:erase"
- 745 print"[144]f:font"
- 746 print"[144]i:up"
- 747 print"[144]m:down"
- 748 print"[144]j:left"
- 749 print"[144]k:right"
- 750 print"[144]q:quit"
- 760 rem *** main loop
- 770 poke53249,66+16*y:x1=152-8*s+16*x:poke53248,x1and255:poke53264,x1/256
- 775 geta$
- 780 ifn1=nthen1920
- 790 j=31-(peek(56320)and31)
- 800 ifj=1ora$="[145]"theny=y+(y>1):goto770
- 810 ifj=2ora$=""theny=y-(y<=s):goto770
- 820 ifj=4ora$="[157]"thenx=x+(x>1):goto770
- 830 ifj=8ora$=""thenx=x-(x<=s+1):goto770
- 840 ifj=16ora$="e"thengosub1210:goto770
- 850 ifj=17ora$="i"thend=1:gosub990:goto770
- 860 ifj=18ora$="m"thend=2:gosub990:goto770
- 870 ifj=20ora$="j"thend=4:gosub990:goto770
- 880 ifj=24ora$="k"thend=3:gosub990:goto770
- 890 ifa$=""then770
- 900 ifa$<>"c"then910
- 905 cc=cc+1:ifcc>11thencc=0
- 907 poke53281,cc%(cc):poke53280,cc%(cc):goto770
- 910 ifa$="q"then1930
- 920 ifa$="h"thengosub2050:goto770
- 930 ifa$="x"thenforx=1tos+2:fory=1tos+1:gosub1210:nexty,x:x=1:y=1:goto770
- 935 ifa$="f"thensys828:goto770
- 940 ifa$<>"u"then770
- 950 j=0:fori=1ton:ifn%(i)>jthenj=n%(i):a=i
- 960 next:ifj=0then770
- 970 x=x%(a):y=y%(a):gosub1210:goto770
- 980 rem *** take square x,y in dir. d
- 990 ondgoto1000,1010,1020,1030
- 1000 e=2:x1=x:y1=y-1:on(y1<1)+2goto1190,1040
- 1010 e=1:x1=x:y1=y+1:on(y1>s+1)+2goto1190,1040
- 1020 e=4:x1=x+1:y1=y:on(x1>s+2)+2goto1190,1040
- 1030 e=3:x1=x-1:y1=y:ifx1<1then1190
- 1040 a=s%(x,y):b=s%(x1,y1):ifb<athenj=b:b=a:a=j
- 1050 ab=b*(b+1)/2+a+1:ift%(ab)then1370
- 1060 x%(ab)=x:y%(ab)=y:x=x1:y=y1:gosub1210:x=x%(ab):y=y%(ab):n1=n1+1:t%(ab)=1
- 1070 c=15:gosub2010:d%(x,y)=d:d%(x1,y1)=e:n2=n2+1:n%(ab)=n2
- 1080 j=64+12*s%(x,y):k=64+12*s%(x1,y1)
- 1090 i=34912-s+2*x+80*y:ondgoto1100,1120,1140,1160
- 1100 pokei-80,k+4:pokei-79,k+5:pokei-40,k+6:pokei-39,k+7
- 1110 pokei,j+10:pokei+1,j+11:pokei+40,j+6:pokei+41,j+7:goto1180
- 1120 pokei,j+4:pokei+1,j+5:pokei+40,j+6:pokei+41,j+7
- 1130 pokei+80,k+10:pokei+81,k+11:pokei+120,k+6:pokei+121,k+7:goto1180
- 1140 pokei,j+4:pokei+1,j+5:pokei+40,j+6:pokei+41,j+7
- 1150 pokei+2,k+8:pokei+3,k+5:pokei+42,k+9:pokei+43,k+7:goto1180
- 1160 pokei-2,k+4:pokei-1,k+5:pokei+38,k+6:pokei+39,k+7
- 1170 pokei,j+8:pokei+1,j+5:pokei+40,j+9:pokei+41,j+7
- 1180 j=peek(56320)and31:ifj<31then1180
- 1190 return
- 1200 rem *** remove domino at x,y
- 1210 ifd%(x,y)=0thenreturn
- 1220 i=34912-s+2*x+80*y:f=s%(x,y):j=64+12*f
- 1230 pokei,j:pokei+1,j+1:pokei+40,j+2:pokei+41,j+3
- 1240 ond%(x,y)goto1250,1270,1290,1310
- 1250 f1=s%(x,y-1):k=64+12*f1:d%(x,y-1)=0
- 1260 pokei-80,k:pokei-79,k+1:pokei-40,k+2:pokei-39,k+3:goto1330
- 1270 f1=s%(x,y+1):k=64+12*f1:d%(x,y+1)=0
- 1280 pokei+80,k:pokei+81,k+1:pokei+120,k+2:pokei+121,k+3:goto1330
- 1290 f1=s%(x+1,y):k=64+12*f1:d%(x+1,y)=0
- 1300 pokei+2,k:pokei+3,k+1:pokei+42,k+2:pokei+43,k+3:goto1330
- 1310 f1=s%(x-1,y):k=64+12*f1:d%(x-1,y)=0
- 1320 pokei-2,k:pokei-1,k+1:pokei+38,k+2:pokei+39,k+3
- 1330 iff>f1theni=f:f=f1:f1=i
- 1340 f2=f1*(f1+1)/2+f+1:t%(f2)=0:d%(x,y)=0:n%(f2)=0
- 1350 n1=n1-1:f2=b:b=f1:f1=a:a=f:c=0:gosub2010:a=f1:b=f2:return
- 1360 rem *** blink existing domino
- 1370 y1=y%(ab):x1=x%(ab):i=55392-s+2*x1+80*y1
- 1380 ond%(x1,y1)goto1390,1400,1410,1420
- 1390 j=i-80:goto1430
- 1400 j=i+80:goto1430
- 1410 j=i+2:goto1430
- 1420 j=i-1
- 1430 pokei,2:pokei+1,2:pokei+40,2:pokei+41,2
- 1440 pokej,2:pokej+1,2:pokej+40,2:pokej+41,2
- 1450 pokei,0:pokei+1,0:pokei+40,0:pokei+41,0
- 1460 pokej,0:pokej+1,0:pokej+40,0:pokej+41,0
- 1470 f=peek(56320)and31:iff<31then1430
- 1480 return
- 1490 rem *** intro message
- 1500 printt1$;""
- 1505 print" the rules of the game
- 1510 [153]"i will form a rectangle of dominos; and"
- 1520 [153]"then i will remember where each of the"
- 1530 [153]"numbers is located: i will then remove"
- 1540 [153]"the dominos: your job is to determine"
- 1550 [153]"how to place the dominos back to form"
- 1560 [153]"the rectangle: all of the dominoes in
- 1562 print"the stockpile on the right will be
- 1563 [153]"used and the grid will be completely
- 1564 print"covered:
- 1565 [153]"your answer may be different from mine:
- 1580 gosub 1880
- 1590 print"[145] using the joystick"
- 1600 print"put the square cursor over the half"
- 1610 print"of the domino you want to place; then;
- 1620 [153]"while pushing the firebutton; push the
- 1630 print"stick in the direction of the other
- 1640 [153]"half: pressing the button again will
- 1650 print"erase the domino:
- 1660 [153]" using the keyboard
- 1662 print"use the crsr keys to place the cursor
- 1670 [153]"and the i; j; k and m keys to place the
- 1675 print"domino: press e to erase the domino:
- 1680 [153]"if the domino has already been used;
- 1690 print"the matching domino will blink:
- 1695 [141]1880
- 1700 [153]"on the stockpile"
- 1710 [153]"to the right of the playing grid the
- 1720 print"unused dominoes are listed: if you
- 1730 [153]"press h for help; the dominoes that
- 1740 print"cannot be placed will turn red; and the
- 1750 [153]"dominoes that can only be placed in one
- 1760 print"position will be green:
- 1770 [153]"press c to change background color:
- 1780 print"press u to take back your last move:
- 1790 [153]"press x to clear the whole grid:
- 1800 print"press f to switch fonts:
- 1805 [153]"press q to quit to loadstar:
- 1810 gosub1880
- 1820 return
- 1870 rem *** wait for any key
- 1880 print" press any key to continue[144]";
- 1890 geta$:ifa$=""then1890
- 1900 printt1$;"":return
- 1910 rem *** end game code
- 1920 fort=0to1000:next
- 1925 poke53269,0:printt1$;" y o u w o n":goto1940
- 1930 poke53269,0:printt1$;" g a m e o v e r"
- 1940 print" another game ?"
- 1945 geta$:ifa$=""then1945
- 1950 ifa$="y"thenclr:goto180
- 1960 poke648,4:poke53272,20:poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or3:print"[147]"
- 1970 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er%:close15
- 1980 ifer%<>63thenend
- 1990 poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]load"chr$(34)"hello connect"chr$(34)",8"
- 1995 print"run"
- 1997 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 2000 rem *** set hint domino ab to color c
- 2010 ifb<athenj=b:b=a:a=j
- 2020 j=b*(b+1)/2+a
- 2030 i=int(j/20):j=j-20*i:j=55490+40*j+2*i:pokej,c:pokej+1,c:return
- 2040 rem *** hint code
- 2050 print" please wait:::";
- 2060 fori=1to55:h%(i)=0:next:x1=x:y1=y
- 2070 forx=1tos+2:fory=1tos+1:ifd%(x,y)>0then2160
- 2080 f=s%(x,y):ifx=s+2then2120
- 2090 ifd%(x+1,y)>0then2120
- 2100 a=s%(x+1,y):b=f:ifb<athenb=a:a=f
- 2110 j=b*(b+1)/2+a+1:h%(j)=h%(j)+1
- 2120 ify=s+1then2160
- 2130 ifd%(x,y+1)>0then2160
- 2140 a=s%(x,y+1):b=f:ifb<athenb=a:a=f
- 2150 j=b*(b+1)/2+a+1:h%(j)=h%(j)+1
- 2160 nexty,x:fora=1ton:ift%(a)thenh%(a)=-1
- 2170 next:b=0:fora=1ton
- 2180 ifh%(a)=0thenc=2:j=a-1:gosub2030:b=1
- 2190 ifh%(a)=1thenc=5:j=a-1:gosub2030:b=1
- 2200 next:print" ";:ifb=0then2250
- 2210 j=peek(56320)and31:geta$:if(j=31)and(a$="")then2210
- 2220 print" please wait:::";
- 2230 fora=1ton:ift%(a)=0thenc=0:j=a-1:gosub2030
- 2240 next:x=x1:y=y1:print" ";:return
- 2250 print" sorry; no help[144]";
- 2260 j=peek(56320)and31:geta$:if(j=31)and(a$="")then2260
- 2270 x=x1:y=y1:print" ";:return
- 2280 poke214,15:print:print" [155][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][152]"
- 2290 fori=1to3:print" ":next
- 2300 print" [208]ublished on [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] #61 "
- 2310 print" Subscriptions 1-800-831-2694 "
- 2320 print" CHANGING[160]THIS[160]NOTICE[160]IS[160]ILLEGAL "
- 2330 print" "
- 2340 print" [151][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185]"
- 2350 au$="[196][207][205][201][206][207] [204][207][199][201][195]":poke214,17:print:printspc(20-len(au$)/2)"[152]"au$
- 2360 au$="[194]y [196]avid [202]ohannsen ([195]) 1989":poke214,18:print
- 2370 printspc(20-len(au$)/2)"[152]"au$"":return
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:domino logic":close15:save"domino logic",8